Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don't Read if Easily Offended

I had your pants around your ankles before we were even half way up the stairs to your apartment. You held and me kissed my neck and my shoulders as you stumbled backwards up the stairs. We left my shirt on the railing and you opened the door. We fell onto the kitchen floor. By this time, we both had our pants off. You lifted me onto the counter. You stuck on finger inside me, then two, kissing me the whole time. I wrapped my legs around you and without hesitation you effortlessly picked me up and brought me into the bedroom. It was decorated by a female and you looked at me and said "I'm sorry if it bothers you". You threw me on the bed violently, but I liked it and giggled. You jumped on top of me and I used the adrenaline force to roll you over so I could be on top of you. We had sex that night until we heard the birds chirping. It was probably the best sex of my life. I know you had a girlfriend. I know you know I had a boyfriend. What you didn't know was that this was planned. I know your girlfriend. Or should I say, I know of your girlfriend. She slept with my boyfriend a few months ago. He told me. Through people, I found out who you were and set up an "accidental meeting". You were my prey all night. I will never tell you that. But I hope one day if you find out..... you will feel calm because of our one night of secret revenge. Xo yours truly.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Willow was girl with less then perfect vision. She saw every human for only the inherent good in them, even if there was very little. She was so confused and fell in love with moments and mistook it for falling in love with the people involved in that moment. People who know Willow would say she's smart...but Willow is a little silly.

On this particular day, Willow brought her camera. She brought it all the way to the top of the mountain. It was a beautiful day. She felt like she was on top of the world. Willow took pictures of everything. The branches, the ground, him, his shoes. She wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Willow met him in New York on a beautiful day. There were miles and states between them. Willow took an Amtrak train to Philadelphia to see him. It was a perfect weekend. The unknown surrounded her and he took the wheel and showed her everything. When Willow left, they held each other for several minutes in the train station. She could have left everything behind and stayed forever. She wanted to stay in the moment forever.

Willow went on vacation. Together he and Willow drove 13 hours down the coast. Beautiful water, beautiful sands. It was a cold day so they sat on the beach in their jackets. She took a lot of pictures. They wrestled in the sand and played frisbee. He drew their names in the sand. She wanted to stay in this moment forever.

It was Willow's birthday and they took a train into New York for the day. He's showed her New York from a thousand feet in the sky. He was deathly afraid of heights, but did it anyways, just for her. She thought for sure this was it. The was the moment. She wanted to stay in this moment forever.